GFC Implementation Webinar #3
Strengthening Economic and Industry Sector Engagement and Action Along Value Chains
Resources and information
The webinar will present suggestions for a terms of reference for the programme as well intersessional activities to support programme development, including a global multi-stakeholder workshop scheduled to take place from 24-26 February 2025. Furthermore, an outline for a guidance document to develop industry strategies, as called for by Target D6, will be presented.
In advance of the workshop, a draft discussion document will be made available to webinar participants and GFC stakeholders via the webinar website. The draft document provides details on the proposed Programme, and builds on an introductory draft IOMC Discussion Document on Implementation Programmes, as well as comments received by stakeholders posted here.
More information about the IOMC and the GFC:
More information about the GFC:
Draft IOMC discussion note on developing GFC implementation programmes
Deadline for written comments: as soon as possible and not later than 15 January 2025.