Welcome to the IOMC Webinar

Series in Support of the

Beyond 2020 Process

This series of webinars was conducted between 2021 to 2023 by the IOMC on key cross-sectoral issues and as a contribution to the Beyond 2020 discussions. The webinars were open to all interested stakeholders participating in the SAICM/Beyond 2020 process and beyond.
The aim of the webinars was to exchange information and share examples of good practices and policy options in a multi-sectoral context. Each webinar featured presentations from lead IOMC organizations, as well as a panel discussion and interactive dialogue with participants.
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Existing Indicators on Chemicals and Waste Management

The aim of the webinar is to disseminate the IOMC Inventory and analysis report: existing indicators on chemicals and waste management.

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Evaluating Health Impacts from Land-based Pollution: Data Gaps & Proposed Framework and Economic Considerations

This webinar features three activities: used lead acid battery recycling, artisanal and small-scale gold mining, and small-scale tanneries. These actively contribute to land-based pollution in LMICs.

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Financial Considerations for Chemicals and Waste Management

Scaling up finance to achieve sound management of chemicals and waste is the goal of Beyond 2020 and other chemicals-related MEAs. This webinar identifies and share lessons learned, successful mechanisms, good practices, and policy options.

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Chemical accident prevention, preparedness and response

This webinar is part of a series of webinars being conducted by the IOMC as a contribution to the Beyond 2020 process.

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Leveraging Green and Sustainable Chemistry for Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste beyond 2020

The webinar has two parts: the first session describes the activities of the IOMC members including two panel discussion with stakeholders on the topic. The second session is a guided and interactive discussion with the audience.

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Addressing Illegal trade and traffic of Industrial Chemicals, Pesticides and Waste for Beyond 2020

The webinar has two parts: the first part describes the activities of the IOMC members following short Q&A sessions with the audience on the topic. The second part is a guided and interactive panel discussion with invited speakers and participants.

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